| 1. | Will it give direct aid rather than soft loans 它会用直接援助取代软贷款么? |
| 2. | The bulk of japanese aid comes in the form of soft loans 日本对华援助的主要形式是软贷款。 |
| 3. | Government concessionary soft loan 政府特许及软性贷款 |
| 4. | The company tried to help the poor member of staff with soft loan 胡说试图用长期低息贷款帮助那些经济窘困的职员。 |
| 5. | Soft loans and non - recourse finance packages are available in certain circumstances 软贷款和无追索权财务包在特定情况下可用。 |
| 6. | Beijing has promised $ 5bn ( ? 2 . 6bn ) in soft loans and grants to african states in the coming years as china increases trade with the continent 北京已经许诺在未来几年双方经贸发展的情况下将向非洲提供50亿美元的低息贷款。 |
| 7. | Typical soft loans have long maturities ( sometimes up to fifty years ) , a ten - year grace period before repayment starts , and low interest or interest - free repayment in loan currnecy 典型的软贷款的还款期限很长(有时长达50年) ,低息或是无息,以本国货币偿还,在还款前还有10年的宽限期。 |
| 8. | The main donors are the world bank annual programme of around 1 . 2 billion and the asian development bank 1 . 5 billion and japan technical assistance of around 100 million and soft loans of around 1 . 1 billion 主要的捐赠来自世界银行(年项目投资大约12亿美元) 、亚洲发展银行( 15亿美元)和日本(技术援助大约1亿美元,软贷款大约11亿美元) |
| 9. | Mr chiba , a china expert , said there were sound reasons for tailing off soft loans to beijing , even though it was still far from reaching a gross domestic product per capita of $ 5 , 000 , the normal cut - off point for soft loan recipients 中国问题专家千叶先生表示,逐步终止对华软贷款存在很好的理由,尽管中国的人均国内生产总值还远未达到5000美元,即判定软贷款接受资格的通常标准。 |
| 10. | There is all the difference in the world between a tax on graduates that raises money for government to distribute to universities and a system of grants and soft loans that enables students to meet the costs of attending autonomous institutions of higher education 两者之间有天壤之别:前者是政府通过征税从已经毕业的学生身上募集资金,然后向大学拨款;后者是通过一套补助金和软贷款制度,资助学生到自治的高等学府就学。 |